Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wow,what a day!

Wow what a day. Well, I can honestly say I figured out how to make four kids seem easy. Well, easier anyway. And the secret is to take on another kid younger than your youngest. Yeah, my sister asked me to watch him all day yesterday and today. And on top of that soccer started this week. And on top of that I dropped my cell phone in the toilet yesterday trying to empty the overflowing trash. Well I learned my lesson; I will be leaving that task to Josh from now on. So, anyway, I had to run into Jackson today to pick out a new phone. I loaded up the two munchkins and off we went. I decided to stop and Meijer and Sams while I was in there for some necessities that naturally didn’t seem soooo necessary after the deal was done. Nonetheless mission accomplished and home to put Ayden to bed. During his nap and Bo watching a movie, I finished up the laundry and started dinner cause I wasn’t going to be able to squeeze it anywhere else with the evening line up looking like this…3:00 pick up kids from school, 4:00 take Josh to soccer practice, 5:30 soccer meeting with Josh’s coach, 5:45 coach Timmy’s soccer practice during which Timmy put a headlock on one of the little girls, oh my gosh, seriously keep the wrestling on the mat kid, and then 6:15 cram lunchable down their throats for a snack, 6:30 drop boys off at wrestling and head home to feed the others dinner. Clean up from dinner, bathe Bo, and start bedtime routine, which I must say putting Bo to bed is like putting a 3 year old who just slammed 3 red bulls to bed. Seriously, what happened to the day of sitting and reading a book while the kid pointed at the pages so calmly sipping a drink? I need a sedative by the time we are done. This kid has no wind down time, he just go, go, goes and then crashes. And still sleeps like a tornado at that. I check on him at night and he will be sideways or upside down. I am surprised I haven’t found him hanging upside down from the top bunk sleeping like a bat. Then the boys get home from wrestling. They shower and I feed them dinner. Finally, all are in bed. Calgon take me away. I would love a hot bubble bath, but that would involve scrubbing my tub, and let’s face it, that isn’t happening tonight.

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