Thursday, November 3, 2011

You know you need new brain cells when...

You know you need some new brain cells when you check your left pocket of your coat for your keys and then with your left hand you take the keys out of your right hand so that you can check your right pocket for your keys that you can’t find only to find them now in your left hand. Yeah. I did that today, right after I talked to a principal about having me teach a Value Based Parenting class at her school. Ha ha ha. Uh huh! I can’t seem to find the keys, in my hand, hopefully I know where all my kids are, and by the way, “I teach a parenting class.”

I just had to laugh. It got me thinking about all the funny things we do. Things like putting the mail in the freezer, looking for our sunglasses while they are on our head, or talking to our husbands on our cell phone about how we can’t remember where we left our cell phone. Just the other day I was looking for a pen and after I found one I realized I also had one behind each ear.

After laughing at these ironic scenarios, I thought it would be fun to hear more. I am sure I am not the only crazy one! So if you want to email me or post under my facebook post, I will make a list and post it in my next blog.

So finish this sentence…

You know you need some new brain cells when…

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