Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Super Z-Jessica Warren

Well I am happy to say after a rough start to our day Super Z came through!!  His counts went from 549 last week to 1900 this week :) PRAISE GOD!!!!! He was able to get the full dose of chemo today!!  Which this mama is happy about!  The more chemo he gets the quicker this tumor starts to shrink back to the size of letting him have a life!!  I feel like I have so much to share with all of you and I have to make time to get in on paper. God is teaching me so much and even over the past 2 days that have been emotional and rough I know He is teaching me, He is showing me and He is loving me through all of you supporting us!!  On our way in this morning I was struggling with leaving Ayden.  I almost texted his teacher to let me know he was ok....I just had that feeling that I wanted my boys tucked under my arms.  Loved. Safe.  But I made myself push through that feeling.  I dropped ayden off and took off to Grand Rapids with my handsome little mop head sitting right next to me in the front seat.  He was in such a great mood :)  It was so sweet talking to him the whole way up.  Looking for BIG trucks, tractors, playing our favorite songs, just having a blast together.  His smile seemed to lift my mood even though the sun wasn't shining.  I just allowed myself to be in that moment with Zayne and it was medicinal.  His beautiful smile, his frizzy hair, and his eyes were just so happy!!  I am tearing up just writing this.  My boy!!  My beautiful boy!!  He has been so grumpy lately but this morning I saw a little bit of that fat, happy baby I used to know.  My son has been asked to endure such a journey and I am so proud of him!!  Today was a good day :)  Thankyou all for flooding my phone with positive thoughts!!  You have no idea how much that helps me!!

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