Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let's put the bed together already, seriously

So Monday I, without Michael loaded up to go get a bed we purchased for Kate off of Craig’s List. Michael was busy that day and I wanted to get it so the first free night he had he could set it up for Kate. I think I was just as excited as she was. With the help of the previous owner we got it all loaded up and I carefully drove it home. I really couldn’t wait to get home. I was not used to being the driver with such a load in the back, usually Michael handles such things. But I am woman hear me roar, I got the bed home. Michael was home when we arrived so naturally I let HIM unload it. Then Tuesday night was too busy to get things set up, but Kate worked hard at getting her room all cleared out. She had to move everything under her bed and clean out her old desk. Finally, Wednesday was wide open. Jake was even here to help. Jess and I left the boys to the project and headed into town. An hour later Michael called me asking me where the bag of screws was. Long story short, the bed is still in pieces. It is now in the corner of her room, but still in pieces. They never found the screws. Ugh. How frustrating. I will do some looking tomorrow but beyond that I just HOPE we can order some replacement screws. I suppose if all else fails we could just duct tape it together. That’s what my parents always used to fix their furniture.

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