Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's the most "what" time of the year?

Today was great. I had a great reminder that I needed today. Things have been so busy for me this past month with my work. So busy in fact, when the kids talked about putting up the tree this year I didn’t even want to. It bothered me that I wasn’t the least bit excited. Putting up the tree with the kids is one of my favorite things to do. We always turn the Christmas music up loud and take turns falling of the chair trying to reach the high branches. Then when all the ornaments are on, turn all the lights off and then light up the tree. So naturally when my “Christmas Spirit” was lacking and I just saw the tree as one more thing to get done, well, the guilt kicked in. But today Shelby Raines, with Marriage Matters Jackson spoke at our MOPS group about “thriving in the Holidays.” My favorite point she made today was, to make a list of five things you want to do between now and the New Year. Now this doesn’t count all of our obligations, like those “required” family gatherings, but rather the little things that tend to get forgotten in the craziness. When she said this my heart warmed as I began to recall why I love the holidays with my family. Movie night with the kids, making cookies, and yes decorating the tree. I suddenly realized I had been allowing worries and stress concerning my job take over. It had been a busy three weeks and I had been stressing too much. So much in fact it was beginning to rob me of the basic principals my job is ACTUALLY founded on, FAMILY. So today I made my list of my five things I want to do and I put decorate the tree with the kids at the top. It was time to refocus, give my life and career back to my God, and enjoy the most important career I have. A MOM! I still love my job; I just needed to be reminded to RELAX! So as these busy times are upon us, remember to cherish the moments that REALLY matter.

1 comment:

  1. Well Jamie- it was I who needed THAT! It is so helpful to hear what resonates with different people. I love that I have a job that is teaching me lessons for my personal life as well. Life long learners! Great that we can encourage each other to dig below the obligations and see the wonder and warmth that we are longing for. Blessings to you for a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas! I'll be following your blog now!
