Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pack pack pocket

Well, today Bo woke up at 6:40 insisting we change his pull up he had peed in. Seriously, it’s a pull up and I have to get up in twenty min. I tried to convince him it was just a pull up and go back to bed, but for anyone who knows Bo, knows how “easy” it is to change his mind. So I changed his pull up, and his pants per his request. And for anyone who knows Bo, knows he didn’t go back to sleep in ten minutes therefore he was up at 7am with the rest of us. After he saw me pack the kids their lunch he insisted on making his lunch. Today he was going to be going to day care so it was a good idea. He was so excited putting his sandwich into his lunch box. And then asked every 15 minutes if it was time to go to school and eat his lunch. Finally, it was time to go and he ever so proudly carried his lunch to the van. He was too cute. After I picked him up from day care, he was walking down the hall and I asked, “Do you want to wear your coat?” “No,” he replied without a care in the world. And then he stopped dead in his tracks, and with panic in his voice he said, “Oh, no! I need my pack pack pocket.” I showed him his lunch box and asked “I have this, is this what you need?” “Oh, there it is.” He said with the cutest grin you have ever seen. He took the lunch box out of my hand and walked proudly out the door. Later that day when we arrived home, he wanted to pack his lunch again. He is just to cute these days. Yesterday he unloaded my dishwasher, and what ever items he couldn’t reach he made me take care of right away. I guess I will take the add off ebay once again. He really is too cute!

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