Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Amazing 6th Graders!!!-Jessica Warren

My blog tonight is for the 6th graders of Springport Middle school! I am going to paint the picture for you! Jamie had asked us to come up to the school the morning of chemo for an encouraging send off. So, dressed in our super Z shirts, our little family entered the middle school. We were directed to an empty pod. I heard a couple kids start to say “He’s here! He’s out there!” You could feel the buzz of excitement! I felt like the mom of a Super Hero! Very soon after, kids began piling out of all 3 doors of the pod. So many of them wearing super Z shirts!! We didn’t really know what to expect…just seeing all those kids lined up on the floor in that room rooting for my little man was incredible! 6th GRADERS!!! They can’t even grasp the magnitude of the situation and yet their passion was apparent!! Kim began speaking and telling us of the fundraiser they came up with. These 6th graders attached a super Z emblem to each and every blow-pop and sold them! I couldn’t even imagine kids taking time out of their day to sit down and do that. Kim walked over to us and handed us $250 in gas cards. As my husband took the cards I couldn’t control my emotion…the tears welled in my eyes at the hearts of these young people. They will never know how much that meant to my family. They also gave little Z a HUGE teddy bear  I mean huge!!! It still cracks me up to see him haul that thing around the house…it’s the same size as he is!! That little bear wrestles, builds blocks and even has super bowl parties!!! He sleeps with it every night and calls it his “BIG” bear ;) And every time we swiped one of those cards we thought about where they came from!!! A bunch of 6th graders with hearts of gold CHOOSING to make a difference in a family they didn’t even know!! They gave Z a high five and headed back to their classes…some of them looking back to steal one more look at the little blonde headed boy they support every week! Heartwarming and absolutely overwhelming  Too any moms out there that have the amazing opportunity to witness this, hats off to you for raising such empathetic kids!! And teachers!!! What amazing support these kids had doing this! Talk about teaching what matters most…thankyou for instilling tender hearts of warmth and support in our young ones!!! Too proud for words at my AMAZING little community of Springport that has banned together for so many families!! It truly is a wonderful thing to not only witness but be a part of!! With everything…Thankyou!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome....I'm so happy for all the support everyone is giving your family and Super Zayne <3
